Enlarged image:
      SAPI solution of RLD6 1985:
        An originally unknown structure having pseudo-translation symmetry solved automatically by the program SAPI

Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Zheng Chao-de, Gu Yuan-xin, Ke Heng-ming & Huang Sheng-hua, Acta Cryst. A46, 99-103 (1990). PDF file.
SAPI 1985:
        The program SAPI was for the first time released
  • Fan Hai-fu, The treatment of pseudo-symmetries - A special feature of the program system SAPI-85. In Direct methods, macromolecular Crystallography & Crystallographic Statistics Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson & S. Pathasarathy, World Scientific, Singapore 1987, pp. 339-348. PDF file
  • Fan Hai-fu, Yao Jia-xing & Qian Jin-zi, The Program SAPI and its Applications. I. Automatic Search of Pseudo-Systematic Extinction for Solving Superstructures. Acta Cryst. A44, 688-691 (1988). PDF file
  • Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Yao Jia-xing, Zheng Chao-de & Hao Quan, The Program SAPI and its Applications. II. The Combination of Patterson Superposition and Direct Methods. Acta Cryst. A44, 691-692 (1988). PDF file
  • Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Zheng Chao-de, Gu Yuan-xin, Ke Heng-ming & Huang Sheng-hua, The Program SAPI and its Applications. III. Determination of Structures having Pseudo-Translational Symmetry. Acta Cryst. A46, 99-103 (1990). PDF file
        Detailed description was given for the general rule on the appearance of multiple solution in solving crystal structures containing heavy atoms.
Fan Hai-fu & Zheng Qi-tai, Acta Phys. Sin.. 31, 191-198 (1982). (In Chinese with English abstract). get PDF file
Enlarged image:
      Breaking the enantiomorphous phase ambiguity
      due to phase degeneration 1981:
        Enantiomorphous phase ambiguity due to phase degeneration was resolved using the component relations

Fan Hai-fu & Qian Jin-zi, Acta Phys. Sin. 30, 594-601 (1981). (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF file
Fan Hai-fu, The Rigaku Journal vol. 1 no. 2 (1984). get PDF file
Enlarged image:
      Breaking the enantiomorphous phase ambiguity
      due to centric arrangement of heavy atoms 1978:
        Enantiomorphous phase ambiguity due to centric arrangement of heavy atoms was resolved using the component relations

Fan Hai-fu and Zheng Qi-tai, Acta Phys. Sin. 27, 169-174 (1978). (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF file
Fan Hai-fu, The Rigaku Journal vol. 1 no. 2 (1984). get PDF file
Enlarged image:
      Breaking the phase ambiguity
      due to pseudo-translation symmetry
      of heavy-atom arrangement 1975:
        A modified Sayre equation was applied to break the phase ambiguity due to the translation symmetry of heavy atoms

Fan Hai-fu, Acta Phys. Sin. 24, 57-60 (1975). (In Chinese) PDF file
Fan Hai-fu, The Rigaku Journal vol. 1 no. 2 (1984). get PDF file
        Modified Sayre's equation and "Conponent relations" were derived and used later in resolving phase ambiguities due to various kinds of pseudo symmetry
Fan Hai-fu, Acta Phys. Sin.. 21, 1105-1114 (1965). (In Chinese). PDF file
[English translation: Fan Hai-fu, Chinese Physics (1965) 1418-1428. PDF file]
Fan Hai-fu, Acta Phys. Sin.. 21, 1114-1118 (1965). (In Chinese). PDF file
[English translation: Fan Hai-fu, Chinese Physics (1965) 1429-1435. PDF file]