Structure-model files *.MOD are formatted text files containing
information of the structure model.
MOD files consist of a number of sections
begining with a comment line and ended with the *EOS (end of section) line.
In between these two lines, there are command lines begining with a space
followed by a keyword and parameters. Examples of MOD files and detailed
description of keywords are given.
(i) 2-dimensional model of copper chlorinated phthalocynine
(ii) 3-dimensional model of YBaCuO
(iii) 4-dimensional model of the incommensurate modulated
structure g
(iv) Keywords in MOD files
Example 1
2-dimensional model of copper chlorinated phthalocynine On the right there is seen the MOD file created by VEC when it was used to build a structure model from a 2-dimensional enhanced electron microscopy image of copper chlorinated phthalocynine (see model building for phthalocynine). Below is shown the same file opened in graphic mode. (To top) |
Example 2: 3-dimensional model of YBaCuO
Since keywords RECI and SIZE are absent in the PRIVATE section, when open this file in graphic mode, the model will not display properly. However this would not affects VEC in performing any sorts of calculation available to a 3D conventional structure models. (To top) |
Example 3: 4-dimensional model of the incommensurate modulated
structure g -Na2CO3
This file was created by the program MIMS when it was used to interpret the 4-dimensional Fourier map calculated by VEC with phases from the program DIMS (see 4D modeling of g-Na2CO3). Opening the file Na2CO3.mod in graphic mode a table instead of the model image will apear, which contains all the structural parameters (To top) |
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