
  1. PowerPoint slides "基于XFEL的结构生物学研究" 郝权,第四次XFEL香山会议,北京,2017,4,27-28.


  3. PowerPoint slides "串行晶体学" 范海福,第三次XFEL香山会议,上海,2014,12,14-15.


  5. PowerPoint slides "OASIS-IPCAS" 张涛、何尧、王佳伟、武丽杰、郑朝德、郝权、古元新、范海福,OASIS 讲习班,上海, 2012,9,24-26.
  6. PowerPoint slides "基于硬X射线自由电子激光的、原子尺度下的物质结构分析" 范海福,第一次XFEL香山会议, 北京,2012,9,12-14.
  7. PowerPoint slides "OASIS-IPCAS with emphasis on a new application of MR model completion (phase extension by iterative phasing and model building based on a small subset of known phases)" Hao, Q., Zhang, H.M. (HKU) & Zhang, T. Gu, Y.X., Fan, H.F.* (Inst. Phys., CAS), Lecture at the IUCr & AsCA workshop, Xi'An, China, August 24-27, 2012.


  9. PowerPoint slides "OASIS-IPCAS" 张涛、古元新、范海福,北京 OASIS 研讨班,2011,9,19-20.
  10. PowerPoint slides "Diffraction phasing for nano-crystals/particles" H.F. Fan. Lecture at International workshop on Science with Free Electron Lasers, Shanghai, China, August 20-21, 2011.
  11. PowerPoint slides "OASIS" H.F. Fan. Lecture at CCP4 workshop, Shanghai, China, March 28-31, 2011.


  13. PowerPoint slides "原子尺度的结构分析与物质科学研究" 范海福在纳米晶体结构分析技术讲习班上的报告,北京,2010,10,14-15.
  14. PowerPoint slides "迎接硬X射线自由电子激光" 范海福,物理所战略咨询委员会第11次会议, 北京,2010,9,15.
  15. 陈嘉庚科学奖第三场报告会,北京大学,2010,4,16.
    PowerPoint slides "漫漫路上",范海福
    PowerPoint slides 陈嘉庚科学奖基金会报道
    PowerPoint slides 科学时报报道,祝魏玮


  17. PowerPoint slides "OASIS4.0" H.F. Fan, Y.X. Gu & T. Zhang, Lecture by H.F. Fan at the AsCA Workshop, Beijing, China, October 22, 2009.


  19. PowerPoint slides "Direct-method SAD phasing and dual-space model completion" H.F. Fan & Y.X. Gu, Lecture at the IUCr Crystallographic Computing School, Kyoto, Japan, August 18 - 23, 2008.
  20. PowerPoint slides "Direct methods and Solvent flattening" Q. Hao, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan, Lecture at the Patterson Award Symposium: Advances in Macromolecular Phasing and Their Impact to Structural Biology, American Crystallographic Association Meeting, Knoxville, May 31 - June 5, 2008.
  21. PowerPoint slides "Direct methods in protein crystallography" H.F. Fan & Y.X. Gu. Lecture at X-ray Methods in Structural Biology Workshop, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory X-ray Crystallography Course at IBP, Beijing, April 29 - May 15, 2008.


  23. PowerPoint slides "OASIS-2006" (first examples on direct-method aided dual-space fragment extension based on molecular-replacement models without using SAD/SIR information) H.F. Fan & Y.X. Gu. Lecture at International Conference on Structural Genomics 2006 Hands-on Workshop in Yokohama, Japan, October 2006.
  24. "OASIS applications - SAD phasing and fragment extension at different resolutions" D.Q. Yao, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, Z.J. Lin, H.F. Fan & N. Watanabe. Lecture by D.Q. Yao at Joint Conference of the Asian Crystallgraphic Association and the Crystallographic Society of Japan, Epochal Tsukuba, Japan, November 2006.


  26. PowerPoint slides PDF file "SAD phasing by OASIS-2004" . D.Q. Yao, S. Huang, J.W. Wang, Y.X. Gu*, C.D. Zheng, H.F. Fan* & Q. Hao. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at International Workshop on Recent Advances in Phasing Methods for High-Throughput Protein Structure Determination, Beijing, China, November 2005.
  27. get ppt file Introducing the research group on Methods of Solving Crystal Structures, Hai-fu Fan -- for the visit of Dr. W. Duax to Inst. Phys., Beijing, Oct. 24, 2005.


  29. PowerPoint slides "Synchrotron radiation and SAD phasing in protein crystallography" (first examples on iterative dierct method SAD phasing and dual-space fragment extension), Fan, Hai-fu & Gu, Yuan-xin. Lecture at AsCA04 Conference, Hong Kong, China, June 2004.


  31. PowerPoint slides "Electron Crystallographic Study of Incommensurate Modulated Structures". Fan Hai-fu, Li Yang, Wan Zheng-hua, Fu Zheng-qing, Mo You-de, Cheng Ting-zhu & Li Fang-hua. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at Joint annual meetings of the Microscopical Society of Canada and Microscopy Society of America. Quebec, Canada, August 2002.


  33. PowerPoint slides "Direct methods of solving crystal structures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Euro Summer School on Electron Crystallography, Barcelona, Spain, July 2001.
  34. PowerPoint slides "Solving incommensurate modulated structures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Euro Summer School on Electron Crystallography, Barcelona, Spain, July 2001.
  35. PowerPoint slides PDF file "Direct-method phasing of OAS and MAD data" Fan Hai-fu. (There is shown the first example of improving MAD phases by direct methods). Lecture at Euro Conference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules, Martina Franca, Italy, June 2001.


  37. PowerPoint slides "New methods and visual computing in electron crystallography" (first release of the program VEC), Fan, H.F. Wan, Z.H., Liu, Y.D., Fu, Z.Q., Li, Y and Li, F.H.. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at International Kunming Symposium on Microscopy, Kunming, China, July 2000.


  39. get PDF file "Direct methods in Crystallography" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture for 96' TWAS Award in Physics, 6th TWAS (Third World Academy of Sciences) General Conference, Rio, Brazil, August 1997.
  40. get PDF file "Multi-dimensional direct methods" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Electron Crystallography . Ed. by D. L. Dorset, S. Hovmöller & X. Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 193-202.
  41. get PDF file "Multi-dimensional Electron Crystallography of Bi-based Superconductors" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Electron Crystallography. Ed. by D.L. Dorset, S. Hovmoeller and Xiaodong Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 285-294.
  42. get PDF file "Sayre equation, tangent formula and SAYTAN" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures . Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 79-85.
  43. get PDF file "Direct methods of solving phase ambiguities in macromolecular structures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 297-305.
  44. get PDF file "Applications of Direct Methods with Single Isomorphous Replacement or One Wavelength Anomalous Scattering Data" H. F. Fan, Q. Hao, I. Harvey, S. S. Hasnain, Y. D. Liu, Y. X. Gu, C. D. Zheng & H. Ke. (Apart from others there is reported the first example of solving an unknown protein by direct-method phasing of the 2.1Å SAD data). Lecture by H. F. Fan at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 479-485.


  46. "Incommensurate modulated structures from electron crystallography" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at EUCHEM Conference on Electron Crystallography, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1996.
  47. get PDF file "Application of Direct Methods in Electron Crystallography" Fan Hai-fu, Wan Zheng-hua & Mo You-de. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at XVIIth IUCr Congress, Seattle, USA, August 1996.
  48. get PDF file "Direct methods resolving the phase ambiguity due to one-wavelength anomalous scattering or single isomorphous replacement" Haifu Fan, Yuanxin Gu, Chaode Zheng & Hengming Ke. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, November 1996.


  50. "Direct methods --- new developments outside the traditional field" Fan Hai-fu. Plenary lecture at 2nd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1995.
  51. "Direct methods --- Recent developments" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Asian School on Crystallographic Computing, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1995.
  52. get PDF file "Crystal structure analysis and the related Nobel prizes." Fan Hai-fu (范海福). Lecture at 100th Anniverasry of the Discovery of X-rays by Roentgen, Tianjin, China, September 1995. (in Chinese) 晶体结构分析及有关的诺贝尔奖.


  54. get PDF file "Recent development in direct methods of solving crystal structures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at 7th Chinese International Summer School of Physics, Beijing International Workshop on Modern Crystallography, Beijing, China, August 1993.
  55. get PDF file "Direct Methods in Superspace" (theory and practice of multi-dimensional direct methods with emphasis on the study of incommensurate modulation in high Tc superconductors), Fan Hai-fu. Plenary lecture at XVIth IUCr Congress, Beijing, China, August 1993.


  57. get PDF file "The study of incommensurate modulation in high Tc superconductors" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Beijing International Conference on High Tc Superconductivity (BHTSC '92), Beijing, China, May 1992.
  58. get PDF file "Electron crystallographic study of incommensurate modulation in the Pb-doped Bi-2223 high Tc superconducting phase" Mo Y.D., Cheng T.Z., Fan H.F., Li J.Q., Sha B.D., Zheng C.D., Li F.H. & Zhao Z.X. Lecture by Fan H.F. at American Crystallographic Association 1992 Annual Meeting, Symposium on Electron Crystallography, Pittsburgh, USA August 1992. Published in Transactions of the American Crystallographic Association 28, 85-93 (1992).


  60. "Incommensurate modulation of the Bi-2223 superconducting phase observed by direct-method electron diffraction analysis" Mo Y.D., Cheng T.Z., Fan H.F., Li J.Q., Sha B.D., Zheng C.D., Li F.H. & Zhao Z.X. Lecture by Zhao Z.X. at Nobel Jubilee Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 1991. Published in Low Dimensional Properties of Solids, Proceedings of the Nobel Jubilee Symposium. Ed. by Mats Jonson & Tord Claeson. Physica Scripta, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. World Scientific, Singapore 1992. Pp. 18-19.
  61. "Direct methods for incommensurate modulated structures and quasicrystals" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at International Workshop on Methods of Structural Analysis of Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals, Lekeitio-Bilbao, Spain, May 1991. Published in Methods of Structural Analysis of Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals. Ed. by J.M. Pérez-Mato, F.J. Zúñiga & G.M. Madariaga, World Scientific, Singapore 1991. Pp. 280-293.


  63. get PDF file "Advances in the Application of Direct Methods " Fan Hai-fu, Gu Yuan-xin, Zheng Chao-de, Hao Quan, Xiang Shi-bin, Li Fang-hua & Hengming Ke. Oral presentation at XVth IUCr Congress, Bordeaux, France, August 1990. (There are shown (a) the first example of direct-method phasing of experimental OAS data from a small protein and (b) the first example of resolution enhancement of an experimental electron microscope image via direct-method phase extension).
  64. get PDF file "Direct methods for modulated structures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at School on Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures, Erice, Italy, April 1990. Published in Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures. Ed. by H. Schenk, Plenum Press, New York 1991. Pp. 265-272.
  65. get PDF file "Results on the application of direct methods to protein crystallography and electron microscopy" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at School on Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures, Erice, Italy, April 1990. Published in Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures. Ed. by H. Schenk, Plenum Press, New York 1991. Pp. 273-274.
  66. "Direct methods for image processing in high resolution electron microscopy" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at International Conference on Advanced Methods in X-ray and Neutron Structure Analysis of Materials, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1990. Published in Diffraction methods in materials science. Ed. by J. Hasek, Nova Science Publishers, New York 1993. Pp. 83-94.


  68. "Exploring new application fields --- a recent trend of direct methods" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at IUCr Summer School on Crystallography and Its Teaching, Tianjin, China, September 1988.


  70. get PDF file Fan Hai-fu, Direct Methods outside the Traditional Field. Lecture at the Symposium in Honor of Jerome Karle and Herbert Hauptman (Nobel laureates in chemistry, 1985), XIVth IUCr Congress, Perth, Australia, August 1987. Abstract in Acta Cryst. A43, C279 (1987). (Direct methods were predicted to expand along the following directions: (i) from single crystals to powder samples, (ii) from X-ray crystallography to electron microscopy, (iii) from conventional structures to incommensurate structures and (iv) from small molecules to protein structures).


  72. "Image deconvolution and resolution enhancement in HREM by direct methods" Li Fang-hua, Fan Hai-fu, Tang Dong, Han Fu-sen, Zhong Zi-yang & Zheng Chao-de. Lecture predented by Li Fang-hua at XIth Int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy, 1986, Kyoto, Japan.
  73. get PDF file "New Developments in Direct Methods" Fan Hai-fu, Lecture at IUCr Crystallographic Symposium, Beijing, China, August 1986. Published in Molecular Structure, Chemical Reactivity and Biological Activity. Ed. by J.J. Stezowski, Jin-Ling Huang and Mei-Cheng Shao, Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. 551-570. (Apart from others there is shown by simulation that it is possible to enhance the resolution of an electron microscopy image from 2 to 1Å by the direct-method extrapolation of both magnitude and phase of structure factors) .


  75. get PDF file "The Combination of Macromolecular and Direct Methods" (theory and test results on direct-method phasing of SIR or OAS data from proteins), Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December 1985. Published in Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson and S. Parthasarathy, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapre, 1987. Pp. 141-150.
  76. get PDF file "Direct Methods as a Tool of Image Processing in High Resolution Electron Microscopy" (theory and error-free-data test on direct-method image deconvolution and resolution enhancement), Fan Hai-fu & Li Fang-hua. Lecture at IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December, 1985. Published in Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H.Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson and S. Parthasarathy, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapre, 1987. Pp. 400-409.
  77. get PDF file "The Treatment of Pseudo-Symmetry --- A special feature of the program SAPI-85" (theory and practice of modified Sayre equations on resolving translational and enantiomorphous phase ambiguities), Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December, 1985. Published in Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography and Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson and S. Parthasarathy, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapre, 1987. Pp. 339-348.
  78. get PDF file "Use of modified Sayre equation for superstructures" Fan Hai-fu. Lecture at Pre-meeting Workshop on Direct Methods and their Application to Structures showing Superstructure Effects, 9th European Crystallographic Meeting, Turin, Italy, August 1985.


  80. get PDF file "Single-Crystal X-ray Analysis and its Application in Natural Organic Chemistry" Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Lin Zheng-jiong (林政炯) & Liang Dong-cai (梁栋材). Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at 1st Domestic Conference on Natural Organic Chemistry, Shanghai, China, August 1963 (in Chinese) 单晶体X射线结构分析及其在研究天然有机物中的应用. (全文刊登于《天然有机化学综述论文集》科学出版社,1966).