0. General(通论):
Hai-fu Fan, A Sponsored Supplement to Science 42-43 (2018).
Phase problem in X-Ray Crystallography and Electron Microscopy.
Hai-fu Fan, Physica status Solidi A 207, 2621-2638 (2010). Direct methods
beyond small-molecule crystallography. (Invited paper)
Hai-fu Fan, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 6, 722-724 (2005).
Developments on methods of solving crystal structures. (Invited paper)
Hai-fu Fan, Z. Krist. 217, 304 (2002). Personal opinion on crystallography.
(Invited paper for the 125th Anniversary of Z. Krist.)
Hai-fu Fan, Sayre equation, Tangent formula and SAYTAN.
Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular
Structures, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving
Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The
Netherlands, 1998. pp. 79-85.
Hai-fu Fan (范海福), Episteme Encyclopedias《百科知识》(1995)
Crystal-structure analysis and the related Nobel prizes (in Chinese)
Fan Hai-fu, Direct Methods outside the Traditional Field.
Lecture at the Symposium in Honor of Jerome Karle and Herbert Hauptman (Nobel laureates in
chemistry, 1985), XIVth IUCr Congress, Perth, Australia, August 1987. Abstract
in Acta Cryst. A43, C279 (1987). (Direct methods
were predicted to expand along the following directions: (i) from single crystals to powder
samples, (ii) from X-ray crystallography to electron microscopy, (iii) from conventional
structures to incommensurate structures and (iv) from small molecules to protein structures)
Fan Hai-fu, "New Developments in Direct Methods". Lecture at
IUCr Crystallographic Symposium, Beijing, China, August 1986. Published
in Molecular Structure, Chemical Reactivity and Biological Activity.
Ed. by J.J. Stezowski, Jin-Ling Huang and Mei-Cheng Shao, Oxford University Press,
1988. Pp. 551-570. (Apart from others there is shown by simulation
that it is possible to enhance the resolution of an electron microscopy image
from 2 to 1Å by direct-method extrapolation of both magnitude and phase of
structure factors).
Hai-fu Fan, The Rigaku Journal 1, (2) 15-21 (1984). The problem of phase
ambiguity in single crystal structure analysus.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Zheng Qi-tai (郑启泰), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》24,
97-104 (1975). Structure factor extrapolation.
(There is reported the first test on the extrapolation of both phase and
magnitude of structure factors using the Sayre equation). (In Chinese)
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys.Sin.《物理学报》21, 1105-1114 (1965). The
use of sign relationship in the determination of heavy-atom-containing crystal structures I. A sign
refinement procedure. (A "sign fliping" process was proposed for
Sayre-equation iteration in centrosymmetric cases). (In Chinese with English abstract,
English translation available) 符号关系式在测定含重原子晶体结构中的应用 I.
I. Methods for Solving Protein
Tao Zhang, Yuanxin Gu & Haifu Fan, Acta Cryst D72, 789-794 (2016).
Effect of impurities and post-experimental purification in SAD phasing with
serial femtosecond crystallography data.
Zhang Tao, Yao De-qiang, Wang Jia-wei,Gu Yuan-Xin & Fan Hai-fu,
Acta Cryst. D71, 2513-2518 (2015).
Serial crystallographic analysis of protein isomorphous replacement data
from a mixture of native and derivative microcrystals.
Weizhe Zhang, Hongmin Zhang, Tao Zhang, Haifu Fan and Quan Hao,
Acta Cryst. D71, 1487-1492 (2015).
Protein-complex structure completion using
IPCAS (Iterative Protein Crystal structure Automatic Solution).
D.Q. Yao, T. Zhang, Y. He, P. Han, M. Cherney, Y.X. Gu, M. Cygler & H.F. Fan,
Acta Cryst. D70, 2686-2691 (2014).
A case study on the treatment of protein SIRAS data.
H.F. Fan, Y.X. Gu, Y. He, Z.J. Lin, J.W. Wang, D.Q. Yao & T. Zhang,
Acta Cryst. A70, 239-247 (2014).
Applications of direct methods in protein crystallography for dealing with
diffraction data down to 5Å resolution.
Zhang Tao, Wu Li-Jie, Gu Yuan-Xin,
Zheng Chao-De & Fan Hai-Fu, Chin. Phys. B 19, 096101 (2010).
Combining SAD/SIR iteration and MR iteration in
partial-model extension of proteins.
Zhang Tao, Gu Yuan-Xin, Zheng Chao-De & Fan Hai-Fu,
Chin. Phys. B 19, 086102 (2010).
New expression of bimodal phase distributions in
direct-method phasing of protein single-wavelength
anomalous diffraction data.
Zhang Tao, Gu Yuan-Xin, Zheng Chao-De & Fan Hai-Fu,
Chin. Phys. B 19, 086103 (2010).
OASIS4.0 - a new version of the program OASIS for phasing protein diffraction data.
L.J. Wu, T. Zhang, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan, Acta Cryst. D65, 1213-1216 (2009).
Direct-method SAD phasing of proteins enhanced by the use of intrinsic bimodal phase
distributions in the subsequent phase-improvement process.
D.Q. Yao, H. Li, Q. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, Z.J. Lin, H.F. Fan, N. Watanabe & B.D. Sha,
Chin. Phys. B 17, 1-9 (2008).
SAD phasing by OASIS at different resolutions down to 3Å and below.
Y. He, Y.X. Gu, Z.J. Lin, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan,
Chin. Phys. 16, 3022-3028 (2007).
SIR phasing by combination of SOLVE/RESOLVE and dual-space fragment extension
involving OASIS.
Y. He, D.Q. Yao, Y.X. Gu, Z.J. Lin, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan,
Acta Cryst. D63, 793-799 (2007).
OASIS and molecular-replacement model completion.
D.Q. Yao, S. Huang, J.W. Wang, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan, N. Watanabe & I. Tanaka,
Acta Cryst. D62, 883-890 (2006).
SAD phasing by OASIS-2004: case studies of dual-space fragment extension.
Cheng Yang, Haifu Fan, Xiaodong Su, Jiawei Wang, Yuanxin Gu, Yuhe Liang, James W. Pflugrath,
Joseph D. Ferrara, OASIS-2004 and Cr Radiation Combined for Enhanced In-House SAD Phasing.
(Invited lecture by Cheng Yang) American Crystallographic Association
Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2005.
N. Watanabe, Y. Kitago, I. Tanaka, J.W. Wang, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan,
Acta Cryst. D61, 1533-1540 (2005).
Comparison of phasing methods for sulfur-SAD using in-house chromium radiation:
case studies for standard proteins and a 69 kDa protein.
J.W. Wang, J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng & H.F. Fan,
Acta Cryst. D60, 1991-1996 (2004).
Direct-method SAD phasing with partial-structure iteration --- towards automation.
J.W. Wang, J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, F. Jiang & H.F. Fan,
Acta Cryst. D60, 1987-1990 (2004).
Optimizing the error term in direct-method SAD phasing.
J.W. Wang, J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, F. Jiang, H.F. Fan, T.C. Terwilliger& Q. Hao,
Acta Cryst. D60, 1244-1253 (2004).
SAD phasing by combination of direct methods with the SOLVE/RESOLVE procedure.
J.W. Wang, J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, F. Jiang, H.F. Fan, T.C. Terwilliger& Q. Hao,
Acta Cryst. D60, 2114 (2004).
SAD phasing by combination of direct methods with the SOLVE/RESOLVE procedure. Erratum
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Liang Dong-cai (梁栋材), Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
《生命科学》 15, 65-69 (2003). The diffraction-phase problem in structural genomics.
(In Chinese). 结构基因组学中的衍射相位问题.
Y. X. Gu, W. R. Chang, T. Jiang, C. D. Zheng & H. F. Fan, Acta Cryst. A58,
547-551 (2002). Direct-method-aided phasing of MIR diffraction data from proteins.
Y.X. Gu, F. Jiang, B.D. Sha, H.F. Fan, Z. Krist. 217, 710-714
(2002). Direct-method phasing of anomalous diffraction from proteins.
(Invited paper for the 125th Anniversary of Z. Kristallogr.)
Y. X. Gu, Y. D. Liu, Q. Hao. S. E. Ealick & H. F. Fan, Acta Cryst. D57,
250-253 (2001). Direct-method-aided phasing of MAD data.
Hao, Q. , J. Synchrotron Rad. 7, 148-151 (2000). Direct
phasing of one-wavelength anomalous scattering data.
Hao, Q., Gu, Y.X., Zheng, C.D. & Fan, H.F., J Appl. Cryst.
33, 980-981 (2000). OASIS --- a computer program for breaking
the phase ambiguity in one-wavelength anomalous scattering or single isomorphous
substitution (replacement) data.
Liu Yu-dong, Gu Yuan-xin, Zheng Chao-de, Q. Hao & Fan Hai-fu ,
Acta Cryst. D55, 846-848 (1999). Combining direct methods
with isomorphous replacement or anomalous scattering data. VIII. Phasing
experimental SIR data with the replacing atoms in a centrosymmetric arrangement.
Liu Yu-dong, I. Harvey, Gu Yuan-xin, Zheng Chao-de, He Yi-zong, Fan
Hai-fu, S.S. Hasnain & Q. Hao , Acta Cryst D55, 1620-1622 (1999).
Is single-wavelength anomalous scattering sufficient for solving phases?
A comparison of different methods for a 2.1Å structure solution.
Fan Hai-fu, Sayre Equation, Tangent Formula and Saytan. Lecture at Advanced Study
Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, Erice, Italy, May 1997.
Published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier Kluwer
Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998, pp. 79-85.
Fan Hai-fu , Direct methods of solving phase ambiguities in macromolecular
structures. Lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving
Macromolecular Structures. Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving
Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998,
pp. 297-305.
H. F. Fan, Q. Hao, I. Harvey, S. S. Hasnain, Y. D. Liu, Y. X. Gu, C. D. Zheng & H. Ke,
Applications of direct methods with single isomorphous replacement or one wavelength anomalous
scattering data. (Apart from others there is reported the first example of
solving an unknown protein by direct-method phasing of the 2.1Å SAD data). Lecture
by Fan Hai-fu at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular
Structures. Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular
Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998, pp. 479-485.
Yuanxin Gu, Chaode Zheng, Yingdong Zhao, Hengming Ke & Haifu Fan ,
Acta Cryst. D53, 792-794 (1997). An iterative procedure
for combining direct methods with solvent flattening -- dealing with the
phase ambiguity in protein crystallography.
M. M. Woolfson, J. X. Yao & H. F. Fan , Acta Cryst. D53,
673-712 (1997). New techniques for applying anomalous-scattering and
isomorphous-replacement data incorporated in ANOMIR - a general application
Zheng Xiao-feng, Gu Yuan-xin, Zheng Chao-de, Mo You-de, Fan Hai-fu &
Q. Hao , Z. Krist. 212, 95-98(1997). A procedure for
ab initio phasing of one-wavelength scattering data from proteins
-- combining direct methods with the solvent flattening technique.
Zheng Xiao-feng, Zheng Chao-de, Gu Yuan-xin, Mo You-de, Fan Hai-fu &
Q. Hao , Acta Cryst. D53, 49-55 (1997). Use of single
isomorphous replacement data of proteins --- resolving the phase ambiguity
and a new procedure for phase extension.
Yuan-xin Gu, M.M. Woolfson & Jia-xing Yao , Acta Cryst.
D52, 1114-1118 (1996). Direct-space methods in phase extension
and phase refinement. V. The histogram moments method.
Haifu Fan, Yuanxin Gu, Chaode Zheng & Hengming Ke , Direct
methods resolving the phase ambiguity due to one-wavelength anomalous scattering
or single isomorphous replacement. (Invited lecture) Pittsburgh Diffraction
Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, November 1996.
Zheng Xiao-feng, Fan Hai-fu, Q. Hao, F.E. Dodd & S.S. Hasnain ,
Acta Cryst. D52, 937-941 (1996). Direct-method structure
determination of the native azurin II protein using one-wavelength anomalous
scattering data.
Sha Bing-dong, Liu Shen-ping, Gu Yuan-xin, Fan Hai-fu, Hengming Ke,
Yao Jia-xing & M. M. Woolfson , Acta Cryst. D51, 342-346
(1995). Direct Phasing of One-wavelength Anomalous Scattering Data of
the Protein Core Streptavidin.
M.M. Woolfson & Fan Hai-fu , Physical and non-physical
methods of solving crystal structures. Cambridge University Press
1995. ISBN 0 521 41299 4 hardback.
Fan Hai-fu, M.M. Woolfson & Yao Jia-xing , Proc. Roy. Soc.
A442, 13-32 (1993) New techniques of applying multi-wavelength
anomalous scattering data.
Fan Hai-fu, Hao Quan & M.M. Woolfson , Z. Krist. 197,
197-208 (1991). Proteins and Direct Methods.
Fan Hai-fu, Hao Quan, Gu Yuan-xin, Qian Jin-zi, Zheng Chao-de &
Hengming Ke , Acta Cryst. A46, 935-939 (1990). Combining
direct methods with isomorphous replacement or anomalous scattering data
VII. Ab-initio phasing of the OAS data from a small protein.
Fan Hai-fu, Hao Quan & M.M. Woolfson , Acta Cryst. A46,
659-664 (1990). The application of one wavelength anomalous scattering
II. An analytical approach for phase determination.
Fan Hai-fu, Hao Quan & M.M. Woolfson , Acta Cryst. A46,
656-659 (1990). The application of one wavelength anomalous scattering
I. Combining results of different methods.
Hao Quan & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst. A44, 379-382
(1988). Combining direct methods with isomorphous replacement or anomalous
scattering data VI. Incorporation of heavy atom information into Hauptman's
Fan Hai-fu , The combination of macromolecular and direct methods.
(Invited lecture) IUCr Winter School on direct Methods, Macromolecular
Crystallography & Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December,
1985. Published in Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography &
Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson &
S. Pathasarathy, World Scientific, Singapore 1987, pp. 141-150.
Qian Jin-zi, Fan Hai-fu & Gu Yuan-xin , Acta Cryst. A41,
476-478 (1985). Combining direct methods with isomorphous replacement
or anomalous scattering data V. Comparison of different phasing methods
on OAS case.
Yao Jia-xing & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst. A41, 284-285
(1985). Combining direct methods with isomorphous replacement or anomalous
scattering data IV. Test in SIR case with the replaceing atoms in centrosymmetric
Fan Hai-fu & Gu Yuan-xin , Acta Cryst. A41, 280-284
(1985). Combining direct methods with isomorphous replacement or anomalous
scattering data III. The incorporation of partial structure information.
Fan Hai-fu, Han Fu-sen & Qian Jin-zi , Acta Cryst. A40,
495-498 (1984). Combining direct methods with isomorphous replacement
or anomalous scattering data II. The treatment of errors.
Fan Hai-fu, Han Fu-sen, Qian Jin-zi & Yao Jia-xing , Acta
Cryst. A40, 489-495 (1984). Combining direct methods with
isomorphous replacement or anomalous scattering data I.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys. Sin. 《物理学报》33, 399-407 (1984).
Enantiomorphous phase ambiguities and the modified component relation --- the application
of direct methods to protein structures. (In Chinese). 对映相位双解和变形分量关系式
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》21, 1114-1118 (1965).
The use of sign relationship in the determination of heavy-atom-containing crystal structures II.
Component relationship and its applications. (In Chinese with English abstract,
English translation available) (There is one of the earliest
proposals on breaking the SIR or SAD phase ambiguity by direct methods)
符号关系式在测定含重原子晶体结构中的应用 II. 分量关系式及其应用.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Lin Zheng-jiong (林政炯) & Liang Dong-cai(梁栋材), "Single-Crystal
X-ray Analysis and its Application in Natural Organic Chemistry".
Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at 1st Domestic Conference on Natural Organic Chemistry, Shanghai,
China, August 1963 (in Chinese) 单晶体X射线结构分析及其在研究天然有机物中的应用.
II. Pseudo symmetry and phase ambiguity
Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Zheng Chao-de, Gu Yuan-xin, Ke Heng-ming &
Huang Sheng-hua, Acta Cryst. A46, 99-103 (1990). The
program SAPI and its applications III. Determination of structures having
pseudo-translational symmetry.
Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Yao Jia-xing, Zheng Chao-de & Hao Quan,
Acta Cryst. A44, 691-692 (1988). The program SAPI and
its applications II. The combination of Patterson superposition and direct
Fan Hai-fu, Yao Jia-xing & Qian Jin-zi, Acta Cryst. A44,
688-691 (1988). The program SAPI and its applications I. Automatic search
for pseudo-systematic extinction for solving superstructures.
Fan Hai-fu, The treatment of pseudo-symmetry --- A special feature
of the program SAPI-85.
(Invited lecture) IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular
Crystallography & Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December,
1985. Published in Direct methods, macromolecular Crystallography &
Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson & S.
Pathasarathy, World Scientific, Singapore 1987, pp. 339-348.
Fan Hai-fu , The Rigaku Journal vol. 1 no. 2 (1984). The
problem of phase ambiguity in single crystal structure analysis.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Zheng Qi-tai (郑启泰), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》31,
191-198 (1982). General rule on the appearance of the multiple solution in the
determination of crystal structures containing heavy atoms. (In Chinese with
English abstract) 测定含重原子晶体结构时出现多解情况的一般规律.
Gu Yuan-xin (古元新), Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Qian Jin-zi (千金子), Zheng Chao-de (郑朝德), Han Fu-sen
(韩福森) & Xu Zhang-bao (许章保), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》31, 1263-1266
(1982). General rule on the appearance of the multiple solution in the determination of
crystal structures containing heavy atoms. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Gu Yuan-xin (古元新), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》31,
969-971 (1982). Artificial phase degeneration in the determination of non-centrosymmetric
structures (II) --- An example of solving a complex heavy atom containing crystal of space group
P21. (In Chinese with English abstract) 求解非中心对称晶体结构的人工相位退化法
(II)--- 试解P21空间群含重原子的复杂晶体结构.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Gu Yuan-xin (古元新) & Xu Zhang-bao (许章保), Acta Phys. Sin.
1582-1585 (1981). Artificial phase degeneration in the determination of non-centrosymmetric
structures (I). (In Chinese with English abstract) 求解非中心对称晶体结构的人工相位退化法
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Han Fu-sen (韩福森) & He Cun-heng (贺存恒), Acta Phys. Sin.
916-920 (1981). On the application of heavy atom information in direct methods ---
Phase estimation of structure factors for crystals containing heavy atoms.
(In Chinese with English abstract) 重原子信息在直接法中的应用 --- 含重原子晶体结构因子相位的
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Qian Jin-zi (千金子), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》30,
594-601 (1981). Dealing with the problem of phase degeneration in direct methods.
(In Chinese with English abstract) 直接法中相位退化问题的处理.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Zheng Qi-tai (郑启泰) & Li Peng-fei (李鹏飞), Acta Phys. Sin.
《物理学报》29, 1342-1346 (1980). Use of anomalous scattering in treating
the ambiguity in Patterson analysis. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), He Luo (何荦), Qian Jin-zi (千金子) & Liu Shi-xiang (刘世祥),
Acta Phys.Sin.《物理学报》27, 554-558 (1978). Solving crystal
superstructures by the direct method. (In Chinese, with English abstract)
Fan Hai-fu (范海福) & Zheng Qi-tai (郑启泰), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》27,
169-174 (1978). The problem of phase ambiguity in Patterson method treated by direct method.
(In Chinese with English abstract) 用直接法处理Patterson法中的多解问题.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》24, 57-60 (1975).
The problem of phase ambiguity in heavy-atom method treated by direct method.
(There is reported the first example on breaking the phase ambiguity due to
pseudo-translational symmetry using a direct method).
(In Chinese) 用结构振幅关系式处理重原子法中的多解问题.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》21, 1114-1118 (1965).
The use of sign relationship in the determination of heavy-atom-containing crystal structures II.
Component relationship and its applications. (In Chinese with English abstract,
English translation available) (There is reported one of the earliest
proposal on breaking the SIR or SAD phase ambiguity by direct methods)
符号关系式在测定含重原子晶体结构中的应用 II. 分量关系式及其应用.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys.Sin.《物理学报》21, 1105-1114 (1965). The
use of sign relationship in the determination of heavy-atom-containing crystal structures I. A sign
refinement procedure. (In Chinese with English abstract,
English translation available) 符号关系式在测定含重原子晶体结构中的应用 I. 一个符号
III. Image Processing in Hight-Resolution
Electron Microscopy(高分辨电子显微学的图像处理):
Z.H. Wan, Y.D. Liu, Z.Q. Fu, Y. Li, T.Z. Cheng, F.H. Li, H.F. Fan , Z. Krist..
218, 308-315 (2003). Visual computing in electron crystallography.
(Invited paper)
Fan Hai-fu, Li Yang, Wan Zheng-hua, Fu Zheng-qing, Mo You-de, Cheng Ting-zhu & Li Fang-hua ,
Electron Crystallographic Study of Incommensurate Modulated Structures .
(Invited lecture by Fan Hai-fu) Joint annual meetings of the Microscopical Society of
Canada and Microscopy Society of America. Quebec, Canada, August 2002.
J. Liu, F.H. Li, Z.H. Wan, H.F. Fan, X.J. Wu, T. Tamuraand & K. Tanabe , Acta Cryst.
A57, 540-547 (2001). Electron crystallographic image-processing investigation and
superstructure determination for
Fan Fai-fu , Microscopy Research and Technique 46,
104-116 (1999). Direct Methods in Electron Crystallography - Image Processing
and solving incommensurate structures. (Invited paper)
Fan Hai-fu, Wan Zheng-hua, Li Jian-qi, Fu Zheng-qing, Mo You-de, Li Yang, Sha Bing-dong,
Cheng Ting-zhu, Li Fang-hua & Zhao Zhong-xian, Multi-Dimensional Electron Crystallography
of Bi-based Superconductors. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at School on Electron Crystallography,
Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Electron Crystallography. Ed. by D. L. Dorset,
S. Hovmöller & X. Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998, pp. 285-294.
D.X. Huang, W. Liu, Y.X. Gu, J.W. Xiong, H.F. Fan & F.H. Li,
Acta Cryst. A52, 152-157 (1996). A method of electron
diffraction intensity correction in combination with high-resolution electron
Fan Hai-fu, Wan Zheng-hua ad Mo You-de , Application of direct
methods in electron crystallography.
Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at XVIIth IUCr Congress, Seattle, USA,
August 1996. Acta Cryst. A52, C-51. (1996).
Fan Hai-fu , Incommensurate modulated structures from electron
crystallography. (Invited lecture) EUCHEM Conference on Electron Crystallography,
Stockholm, Sweden, June 1996.
Z.Q. Fu, D.X. Huang, F.H. Li, J.Q. Li, Z.X. Zhao, T.Z. Cheng & F.H.
Fan , Ultramicroscopy, 54, 229-236 (1994). Incommensurate
modulation in minute crystals revealed by combining high resolution electron
microscopy and electron diffraction.
Sha Bing-dong, Fan Hai-fu & Li Fang-hu , Acta Cryst. A49,
877-880 (1993). Correction for the dynamical electron diffraction effect
in crystal structure analysis.
J.J. Hu, F.H. Li & H.F. Fan , Ultramicroscopy, 41,
387-397 (1992).
Crystal structure determination of K2O.7Nb2O5
by combining high resolution electron microscopy and electron diffraction.
Fan Hai-fu, Xiang Shi-bin, Li Fang-hua, Pan Qing, N Uyeda & Y. Fujiyoshi ,
Ultramicroscopy, 36, 361-365 (1991). Image resolution
enhancement by combining information from electron diffraction pattern
and micrograph.
Fan Hai-fu , Direct methods for image processing in high resolution
electron microscopy. (Invited lecture) International conference on
Advanced Methods in X-ray and Neutron Structure Analysis of Materials,
Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1990.
Liu Yi-wei, Xiang Shi-bin, Fan Hai-fu, Tang Dong, Li Fang-hua, Pan Qing,
N. Uyeda & Y. Fujiyoshi , Acta Cryst. A46, 459-463
(1990). Image deconvolution of a single high resolution electron micrograph.
Liu Yi-wei, Fan Hai-fu & Zheng Chao-de , Acta Cryst. A44,
61-63 (1988). Image processing in high resolution electron microscopy
using the direct method III. Structure factor extrapolation.
(there is shown by simulation that it is possible to enhance the resolution of an electron
microscopy image from 2 to 1Å by the direct-method extrapolation of both magnitude and
phase of structure factors).
Li Fang-hua, Fan Hai-fu, Tang Dong, Han Fu-sen, Zhong Zi-yang &
Zheng Chao-de , Image deconvolution and resolution enhancement in
HREM by direct methods. In Proc. XIth Int. Cong. on Electron
Microscopy, 1986, Kyoto, Japan.
Han Fu-sen, Fan Hai-fu & Li Fang-hua, Acta Cryst. A42,
353-356 (1986). Image Processing in high resolution electron microscopy
using the direct method II. Image deconvolution.
Fan Hai-fu & Li Fang-hua , Direct methods as a tool of image
processing in high resolution electron microscopy.
(Invited lecture) IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular
Crystallography & Crysttallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December,
1985. Published in Direct Methods, Macromolecular Crystallography &
Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson &
S. Pathasarathy, World Scientific, Singapore 1987, pp. 400-409.
Fan Hai-fu, Zhong Zi-yang, Zheng Chao-de & Li Fang-hua , Acta
Cryst. A41, 163-165 (1985). Image processing in high resolutin
electron microscopy using the direct method I. Phase extension.
Jiang Jian-sheng (江建生), Li Fang-hua (李方华), Acta Phys. Sin. 《物理学报》
33, 845-849 (1984). Fitting the atomic scattering factors to an analytical
formula. (In Chinese). 电子的原子散射因子解析表达式的拟合.
Li Fang-hua (李方华) & Fan Hai-fu (范海福), Acta Phys. Sin.《物理学报》28,
276-278 (1979). Image deconvolution in high resolution electron microscopy
by makeing use of Sayre's equation. (In Chinese) 用Sayre等式复原高分辨电子显微像.
IV. Solving Modulated Crystal
Fan Hai-fu & Gu Yuan-xin, CompComm Newsletter
No.10, pp. 51-58 (2009).
DIMS - Direct methods In Multidimensional Space. (Invited paper)
Fan Hai-fu, CompComm Newsletter
No.5, pp. 16-23 (2005). DIMS on the VEC platform. (Invited paper)
Fan Hai-fu, CompComm Newsletter
No.5, pp. 24-27 (2005). DIMS/VEC applications. (Invited paper)
Fan Hai-fu , Multi-dimensinal direct methods. Lecture at School on Electron
Crystallography, Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Electron Crystallography. Ed. by
D. L. Dorset, S. Hovmöller & X. Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands,
1998, pp. 193-202.
Fan Hai-fu, Wan Zheng-hua, Li Jian-qi, Fu Zheng-qing, Mo You-de, Li Yang, Sha Bing-dong,
Cheng Ting-zhu, Li Fang-hua & Zhao Zhong-xian, Multi-Dimensional Electron Crystallography
of Bi-based Superconductors. Lecture by Fan Hai-fu at School on Electron Crystallography,
Erice, Italy, May 1997. Published in Electron Crystallography. Ed. by D. L. Dorset,
S. Hovmöller & X. Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998, pp. 285-294.
R. de Gelder, R. Isrel, E.J.W. Lam, P.T. Beurskens, S. van Smaalen,
Fu Zheng-qing & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst. A52, 947-954
(1996). Direct methods for incommensurately modulated structures. On
the applicability of normalized structure factor.
Mo You-de, Fu Zheng-qing, Fan Hai-fu, S. van Smaalen, E.J.W. Lam &
P.T. Beurskens , Acta Cryst. A52, 640-644 (1996). Direct
methods for incommensurate intergrowth compounds III. Solving the average
structure in multidimensional space.
Lam, E.J.W., Beurskens, P.T., Smits, J.M., Smaalen, S. van, Boer, J.L.
de, & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst. B51, 779-789 (1995).
Determination of the incommensurately modulated structure of
by direct methods.
Fu Zheng-qing, Li Yang, Cheng Ting-zhu, Zhang Yu-heng, Gu Bing-lin &
Fan Hai-fu , Science in China, A38, 210-216 (1995). Incommensurate
modulations in Bi-2212 high-Tc superconductor revealed by single-crystal
X-ray analysis using direct methods.
Sha Bing-dong, Fan Hai-fu, S. van Smaalen, E.J.W. Lam & P.T. Beurskens ,
Acta Cryst. A50, 511-515 (1994). Direct methods for incommensurate
intergrowth compounds II. Determination of the modulation using only main
Fu Zheng-qing & Fan Hai-fu, J. Appl. Cryst. 27,
124-127 (1994). DIMS --- A direct method program for incommensurate
modulated structures.
Fan Hai-fu , Direct methods in superspace.
(Invited lecture) XVIth IUCr Congress, Beijing, China,
August 1993.
P.T. Beurskens, G. Beurskens, E.J.W. Lam, S. van Smaalen & Fan Hai-fu ,
Ab-initio solution of misfit layer structures by automatic Patterson
and direct methods. (Invited lecture by P.T. Beurskens) The
7th Chinese International Summer School of Physics, Beijing
International Workshop on Modern Crystallography, Beijing, china, August
Fan Hai-fu, S. van Smaalen, E.J.W. Lam & P.T. Beurskens , Acta
Cryst. A49, 704-708 (1993). Direct methods for incommensurate
intergrowth compounds I. Determination of the modulation.
Fu Zheng-qing, Li Fang-hua & Fan Hai-fu , Z. Krist. 206,
57-68 (1993). Solving a 3-dimensional quasicrystal structure in 6-dimensional
space using the direct method.
Mo Y.D., Cheng T.Z., Fan H.F., Li J.Q., Sha B.D., Zheng C.D., Li F.H.
& Zhao Z.X. , Electron crystallographic study of incommensurate
modulation in the Pb-doped Bi-2223 high Tc superconducting phase. (Invited
lecture by Fan H.F.) American Crystallographic Association 1992
Annual Meeting, Symposium on Electron Crystallography, Pittsburgh, USA
August 1992. Published in Transactions of the American Crystallographic
Association 28, 85-93 (1992).
Fan Hai-fu , The study of incommensurate modulation in high Tc
superconductors. (Invited lecture) Beijing International conference
on High Tc Superconductivity (BHTSC'92), Beijing, China, May 1992.
Mo Y.D., Cheng T.Z., Fan H.F., Li J.Q., Sha B.D., Zheng C.D., Li F.H.
& Zhao Z.X. , Supercond. Sci. Technol. 5, 69-72 (1992).
Structural features of the incommensurate modulation in Pb-doped Bi-2223
high-Tc phase revealed by diret-method electron diffraction analysis.
Mo Y.D., Cheng T.Z., Fan H.F., Li J.Q., Sha B.D., Zheng C.D., Li F.H.
& Zhao Z.X. , Incommensurate modulation of the Bi-2223 superconducting
phase observed by direct-method electron diffraction analysis. (Invited
lecture by Zhao Z.X.) Nobel Jubilee Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden,
December 1991. Published in Low Dimensional Properties of Solids, Proceedings
of the Nobel Jubilee Symposium. Ed. by Mats Jonson & Tord Claeson.
Physica Scripta, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. World Scientific,
Singapore 1992, pp. 18-19.
Fan Hai-fu , Direct methods for incommensurate modulated structures
and quasicrystals. (Invited lecture) International Workshop on Methods
of Structural Analysis of Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals, Lekeitio-Bilbao,
Spain, May 1991. Published in Methods of Structural Analysis of Modulated
Structures and Quasicrystals. Ed. by J.M. Perez-Mato, F.J. Zuniga &
G.M. Madariaga, World Scientific, Singapore 1991, pp. 280-293.
Fan Hai-fu , Direct methods for modulated structures. (Invited
lecture) School on Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures, Erice,
Italy, April 1990. Published in Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures.
Ed. by H. Schenk, Plenum Press, New York 1991, pp. 265-272.
Xiang Shi-bin, Fan Hai-fu, Wu Xiao-jing, Li Fang-hua & Pan Qing ,
Acta Cryst. A46, 929-934 (1990). Direct methods in superspace
II. The first application to an unknown incommensurate modulated structure.
Xiang Shi-bin, Li Fang-hua & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst.
A46, 473-478 (1990). On the Determination of Quasicrystal structures.
Li Fang-hua, Wang Li-chen & Fan Hai-fu , Possible approach
to the phase problem in quasicrystals. In Proceedings of International
Workshop on Quasicrystal, Beijing, China, 1987.
Hao Quan, Liu Yi-wei & Fan Hai-fu , Acta Cryst. A43,
820-824 (1987). Direct methods in superspace I. Preliminary theory and
test on the determination of incommensurate modulated structures.
Fan Hai-fu , Use of modified Sayre equation for superstructures.
(Invited lecture) Premeeting Workshop on Direct Methods and their Application
to Structures showing Superstructure Effect, 9th European
Crystallographic meeting, Turin, Italy, August 1985.
Fan Hai-fu, Yao Jia-xing, P. Main & M.M. Woolfson , Acta Cryst.
A39, 566-569 (1983). Automatic determination of crystal structures
having pseudo-translational symmetry by a modified MUTLTAN procedure.
Fan Hai-fu (范海福), He Luo (何荦), Qian Jin-zi (千金子) & Liu Shi-xiang (刘世祥),
Acta Phys.Sin.《物理学报》27, 554-558 (1978). Solving crystal
superstructures by the direct method. (In Chinese, with English abstract)
V. Powder Diffraction Analysis
Zhang Tao, Jin Shifeng, Gu Yuan-Xin, He Yao, Li Ming, Li Yang & Fan Hai-Fu,
IUCrJ 2, 322-326 (2015).
SFX analysis of non-biological polycrystalline samples.
J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, C.D. Zheng, H.F. Fan , Chinese Physics A12, 1099-1963 (2003).
Ab-initio determination of the incommensurate modulated structure of Bi-2212 from x-ray powder
diffraction data - a simulation.
J.R. Chen, Y.X. Gu, H.F. Fan , Chinese Physics A12, 310-314 (2003).
Solving a superstructure from two-wavelength x-ray powder diffraction data - a simulation.
Y. X. Gu, Y. D. Liu, Q. Hao & H. F. Fan , Acta Cryst. A56, 592-595 (2000).
Solving crystal structures from two-wavelength X-ray powder diffraction data - breaking the
phase ambiguity in the noncentrosymmetric case.
VI. Programs of Crystallographic
Zhang Tao, Gu Yuan-Xin, Zheng Chao-De & Fan Hai-Fu,
Chin. Phys. B 19, 086101 (2010).
OASIS4.0 - a new version of the program OASIS for phasing protein diffraction data.
X.M. Li, F.H. Li & H.F. Fan, Chinese Physics B 18,
2459-2463 (2009). A revised version of the Program VEC.
Z.H. Wan, Y.D. Liu, Z.Q. Fu, Y. Li, T.Z. Cheng, F.H. Li & H.F. Fan, Z. Krist. 218,
308-315 (2003). Visual computing in electron crystallography. (Invited paper)
Hao, Q., Gu, Y.X., Zheng, C.D. & Fan, H.F., J Appl. Cryst.
33, 980-981 (2000). OASIS --- a computer program for breaking
the phase ambiguity in one-wavelength anomalous scattering or single isomorphous
substitution (replacement) data.
Yang Li, Zheng-Hua Wan & Hai-Fu Fan, J. Appl. Cryst. 32,
1017-1020 (1999). MIMS: a program for measuring four-dimensional Fourier
maps of incommensurate modulated structures.
Fu Zheng-qing & Fan Hai-fu, J. Appl. Cryst. 30,
73-78 (1997). A computer program to derive (3+1)-dimensional symmetry
operations from two-line symbols.
Fu Zheng-qing & Fan Hai-fu, J. Appl. Cryst. 27,
124-127 (1994). DIMS --- A direct method program for incommensurate
modulated structures.
Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Zheng Chao-de, Gu Yuan-xin, Ke Heng-ming &
Huang Sheng-hua, Acta Cryst. A46, 99-103 (1990). The
program SAPI and its applications III. Determination of structures having
pseudo-translational symmetry.
Fan Hai-fu, Qian Jin-zi, Yao Jia-xing, Zheng Chao-de & Hao Quan,
Acta Cryst. A44, 691-692 (1988). The program SAPI and
its applications II. The combination of Patterson superposition and direct
Fan Hai-fu, Yao Jia-xing & Qian Jin-zi, Acta Cryst. A44,
688-691 (1988). The program SAPI and its applications I. Automatic search
for pseudo-systematic extinction for solving superstructures.
Fan Hai-fu, Rigaku Journal 3, No. 1, 25-30 (1986).
R-SAPI-85, a computer program for automatic solution of crystal structures
from X-ray diffraction data.
Fan Hai-fu, The treatment of pseudo-symmetry --- A special feature
of the program SAPI-85.
(Invited lecture) IUCr Winter School on Direct Methods, Macromolecular
Crystallography & Crystallographic Statistics, Madras, India, December,
1985. Published in Direct methods, macromolecular Crystallography &
Crystallographic Statistics. Ed. by H. Schenk, A.J.C. Wilson & S.
Pathasarathy, World Scientific, Singapore 1987, pp. 339-348.
VII. XFEL related Diffraction Analysis
Tao Zhang, Yuanxin Gu & Haifu Fan, Acta Cryst D72, 789-794 (2016).
Effect of impurities and post-experimental purification in SAD phasing with
serial femtosecond crystallography data.
Zhang Tao, Yao De-qiang, Wang Jia-wei,Gu Yuan-Xin & Fan Hai-fu,
Acta Cryst. D71, 2513-2518 (2015).
Serial crystallographic analysis of protein isomorphous replacement data
from a mixture of native and derivative microcrystals.
Zhang Tao, Jin Shifeng, Gu Yuan-Xin, He Yao, Li Ming, Li Yang & Fan Hai-Fu,
IUCrJ 2, 322-326 (2015).
SFX analysis of non-biological polycrystalline samples.
Zhang Tao, Jin Shifeng, Gu Yuan-Xin, He Yao, Li Ming & Fan Hai-Fu,
Single-crystal diffraction data from powder samples via SFX.
at 23rd IUCr Congress and general assembly, Montreal, Canada, August 5-12, 2014.